Director General, IDSA, Dr Arvind Gupta made a presentation on ‘Myamar’s critical role in bolstering India’s Look East Policy’, at the International Conference on Myanmar, organised by Jamia Milia Islamia University and Tampadipa Institute, Yangon, on January 30,2012. Dr Gupta emphasised that with its transition to democracy, Myanmar is now opening up to the outside world and its isolation is gradually ending. He added that it give a historic opportunity for India to come closer to Myanmar and transform India’s North Eastern regions, bolster its ‘Look East Policy’ and grow as a major Asian Power.
Also speaking on the occasion was the Chief Minister of Nagaland, who in his key note address, called upon the Governments of India and Myanmarto invest in the North East states and promote “cross-border development cutting across international and historical divide”.
DG, IDSA Speaks at The International Conference on Myanmar
Director General, IDSA, Dr Arvind Gupta made a presentation on ‘Myamar’s critical role in bolstering India’s Look East Policy’, at the International Conference on Myanmar, organised by Jamia Milia Islamia University and Tampadipa Institute, Yangon, on January 30,2012. Dr Gupta emphasised that with its transition to democracy, Myanmar is now opening up to the outside world and its isolation is gradually ending. He added that it give a historic opportunity for India to come closer to Myanmar and transform India’s North Eastern regions, bolster its ‘Look East Policy’ and grow as a major Asian Power.
Also speaking on the occasion was the Chief Minister of Nagaland, who in his key note address, called upon the Governments of India and Myanmarto invest in the North East states and promote “cross-border development cutting across international and historical divide”.
THINK20@G20: Towards A Resilient South Asia
India's Internal Security: Role of State Governments