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Second IDSA-IFS Bilateral Dialogue: Strategic Planning for a complex World
April 4, 2011 - April 5, 2011
Concept Note
Strategy is essentially conceived as a long term and thematic plan of action or as an essential ingredient for bridging military means and political ends. Although this simple definition does not preclude the enormity of planning or execution of strategy, the complexity of the modern world has created the need for new repertoire of planning and organization. Any traditional conception of linear strategic planning for national security therefore cannot withstand the contemporary dynamics of modern world. The consequential influence of interdependence, communication revolution and evolution of new institutional and normative framework among others has led nation-states to explore newer understandings of strategic planning. The Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) in collaboration with the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies (IFS) will explore various aspects of the strategic planning effort needed to meet the complex challenges of contemporary times. The redefinition of strategic policy making institutions, the role of new elites and lobby groups in strategic framework, global strategic priorities and the ability to cope with them are the thematic topics that would be explored in the conference.
Monday 4 April
Registration/coffee: 9:00am – 9:25 am
Venue: IDSA Auditorium
Inaugural session: 9:30 – 11:30
Welcome Address: Dr. Arvind Gupta
- Inaugural Address – Espen Barth Eide, Deputy Minister, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Rethinking strategy in the 21st century — Rolf Tamnes, Director, Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies
- Towards a National Strategy for India — N. S. Sisodia, Director General, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses
Vote of Thanks: Robin Allers, Coordinator IDSA – IFS Bilateral
High Tea
11:30 am – 11:55 am
Panel 1: Strategic Policy Making Institutions — 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Venue: Board Room
Chair: Gen. Satish Nambiar
- Institutions and strategic policy making — Srinath Raghavan
- Institutions and security policy making in democracies — Bård B. Knudsen
- Strategic policy making: A Case Study of the National Security Council of India — Arvind Gupta
- An Approach towards the National Defence Strategy — Vinod Patney
1:30 pm – 2:25 pm
Panel 2: Elites and new actors — 2:30 – 4:00pm
Chair: Rolf Tamnes
- The rise Media and its influence in India’s foreign policy — Shruti Pandalai
- Regional actors in Indian security policy making — Geir Heierstad
- Strategic elites: Case of the Indo-US nuclear deal — G. Balachandran
4:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Tuesday, 5 April
Panel 3: Global Strategic Priorities — 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Chair: Robin Allers
- India and UN peace-keeping — Satish Nambiar
- Strategic and domestic obstacles to nuclear disarmament in South Asia — Sebastien Miraglia
- Energy security in India’s strategic practice — Sheobonti Ray Dadwal
11:30 am – 11:55 am
Panel 4: Strategic Priorities in India’s Neighbourhood — 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Chair: Ashok Behuria
- Pakistan in India’s strategy — Ali Ahmed
- Afghanistan in India’s Strategy — Vishal Chandra
- China in India’s Strategy — R.N. Das/Jaganath Panda
- United States and India’s Strategy — Chintamani Mahapatra
1:30 pm – 2:25 pm
Round Table: Rethinking India’s Grand Strategy — 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Moderator: V. Krishnappa
9:00 pm