Ruchita Beri

She worked at Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses from 1991 to 2023


India’s Africa Policy in the post-Cold War Era: An Assessment

In the post-Cold War era, with the emergence of an independent Namibia and a democratic South Africa, the main agenda that had brought India and Africa together—the fight against colonialism and institutionalised racialism—has disappeared. India’s Africa policy indicates a slight change as also some consistency in the post-Cold War era. It appears to be composed of five mantras: promoting economic cooperation, engaging the people of Indian origin, preventing and combating terrorism, preserving peace and assisting the African defence forces.

India and Africa: Common Security Challenges for the Next Decade

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press

Over the coming decade, converging global security challenges will necessitate combined efforts by states to manage threats and maximise opportunities. Among the most significant challenges that India and Africa will face in paricular, are reforms in global governance institutions, maritime security threats in the Indian Ocean, energy insecurity and the rise of extremism and terrorism. This volume combines Indian and African perspectives with regard to the common security challenges they are likely to face in the foreseeable future.

  • ISBN 978-81-8274-860-6,
  • Price: ?. 595
  • E-copy available