Pakistan Project Report


Pakistan on the Edge

  • Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA)

The Pakistan Project of IDSA has come up with a second report titled Pakistan on the Edge. This Report takes into account various political developments in Pakistan focusing more on the events of the last two years and analyses its impact on the nation’s nascent democracy. The Report takes a broad view of the politics, emerging political alliances, economy, foreign policy, India-Pakistan relations and civil-military relations. Two chapters of this report focus on Pakistan’s English and Urdu language print media and how it looks at the critical issues of domestic and foreign policy.

  • Price: ₹ 399/-
  • E-copy available

Unending Violence in Pakistan Analysing the Trends

  • Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses

The Pakistan Project of IDSA consists of a dedicated group of scholars studying Pakistan and watching the unfolding events and analysing the trends from the perspective of its implications for India and the region. “Unending Violence in Pakistan: Analysing the Trends, 2013-14” is the third report published by Pakistan Project.

  • E-copy available

Whither Pakistan? Growing Instability and Implications for India

  • Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses

Pakistan has invariably evoked a great deal of interest among India’s strategic affairs community. Because of historical, geographical, economic and cultural linkages, developments in the neighbourhood have important implications for India’s politics, economy and security. The basic argument that flows from the report is that Pakistan is likely to remain unstable because of inherent weaknesses in its political, economic and security policies.

  • ISBN 81-86019-70-7,
  • Price: ?. 299/-
  • E-copy available