Medha Bisht


India–Bhutan Relations: From Developmental Cooperation to Strategic Partnership

The India–Bhutan relationship is perhaps the only bilateral engagement in South Asia, yielding high dividends to both parties. While Bhutan all through the years has appreciated India for its economic assistance, India, for its part, has been sensitive to Bhutan's developmental needs. The relationship has helped Bhutan shape a unique developmental trajectory based on gross national happiness. Bhutan's economy has grown substantially in recent years. However, the development cooperation between the two countries can be effectively divided into three significant waves.

Ijaz Khan, Pakistan’s Strategic Culture and Foreign Policy Making: A Study of Pakistan’s Post 9/11 Afghan Policy Changes

In Pakistan's Strategic Culture and Foreign Policy Making: A Study of Pakistan's Post 9/11 Afghan Policy Changes, Ijaz Khan, develops an understanding of the strategic culture in Pakistan. Focusing on the policy decisions in Pakistan post 9/11, it develops an understanding of Pakistan's foreign policy and the role of the Pakistani state in the war against terrorism.