Jatin Kumar

He worked at Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses from 2016 to 2023


Israel: 4 साल में पांचवी बार चुनाव,क्यों गई बेनेट सरकार,नेतन्याहू की होगी वापसी?

Research Analyst, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Dr Jatin Kumar’s article ‘4 साल में पांचवी बार चुनाव,क्यों गई बेनेट सरकार,नेतन्याहू की होगी वापसी?’ has been published in Quint Hindi on 23 June 2022.

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  • 23 June, 2022 |

बिना बहुमत सरकार बचाएंगे PM बेनेट या फिर से होगा नेतन्याहू का कमबैक ?

Research Analyst, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Dr. Jatin Kumar’s article ‘बिना बहुमत सरकार बचाएंगे PM बेनेट या फिर से होगा नेतन्याहू का कमबैक?’ has been published in Quint Hindi on 08 May 2022.

The article analyses the existing political crisis in Israel.

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  • 8 May, 2022 |

Lebanon: A Country Stuck in Multiple Crises

Prolonged political crisis, social unrest, pre-existing economic misery, and outbreak of a diplomatic crisis between Lebanon and the Gulf countries have left Lebanon in a debilitated state. Systemic reforms to tackle the economic, political, diplomatic and humanitarian challenges, are the need of the hour.