Jagannath P. Panda

He worked at Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses from 2006 to 2022


The Quad’s Survival Depends on Managing Security and Trade Troubles

Research Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Dr. Jagannath Panda's article ‘The Quad’s Survival Depends on Managing Security and Trade Troubles’ has been published in ‘The National Interest’, Washington DC, on October 03, 2021.

The article argues that while the United States faces an intense power competition with China in the global sphere, India faces a similar contest for primacy in its neighborhood. Therefore, it is more important than ever that both states support each other and garner support from their like-minded partners. They should build the Quad into a force and expand the bloc of countries over time to ensure the longevity of its plans and implemented actions.

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  • 3 October, 2021 |

Tokyo and Taliban 2.0: Gauging Japan’s Political Stake in Kabul

Research Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Dr. Jagannath Panda's article on ‘Tokyo and Taliban 2.0: Gauging Japan's Political Stake in Kabul’ has been published as Focus Asia: Perspectives & Analyses at the Institute for Security and Development Policy, Stockholm.

The paper argues that Tokyo’s perspective on the Taliban is a critical chapter in Japan’s evolving approach to upholding ‘peace’ and ‘security’ in its post-war foreign policy thinking. Despite not being an immediate or major security provider in Afghanistan, Tokyo is a significant stakeholder as a major economic actor in the region and the country. Nevertheless, Japan’s outlook and stance vis-à-vis Taliban remains invariably dependent upon its national interests, alliance partnership with the US, and its ever-growing strategic rivalry with China.

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  • 20 September, 2021 |

Tokyo’s Peace Banner on Taliban 2.0

Research Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Dr. Jagannath Panda's piece ‘Tokyo's Peace Banner on Taliban 2.0’ has been published in Japan Forward on September 17, 2021.

The piece examines how Tokyo perceives Taliban 2.0, and what would be Japan’s future outlook towards a Taliban-led Afghanistan.

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  • 17 September, 2021 |

The Quad and India’s Strategic Choices in Afghanistan

Research Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Dr. Jagannath Panda's article ‘The Quad and India's Strategic Choices in Afghanistan’ has been published in Prospects & Perspectives (no.43) published by the Prospect Foundation, Taiwan, on August 23, 2021.

The article argues that all Quad states, including India, share a key interest in maintaining stability in the region and reaching a peaceful solution among all factions. While their policies on engaging the Taliban may differ slightly, they are nonetheless united in their broader outlooks of securing Afghanistan’s future. In this context, coordinating intelligence exercises and their support to the Afghan government could be a critical initiative under the Quad.

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  • 23 August, 2021 |

Prime Minister Suga, One Year Later

Research Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Dr. Jagannath Panda's piece ‘Prime Minister Suga, One Year Later’ has been published in The Japan Forward on August 12, 2021.

The piece addresses two questions: after almost a year of his leadership and in light of the upcoming Japanese elections, has Suga successfully responded to the international and domestic challenges he faced? How should the world —and Japan itself —evaluate Prime Minister Suga’s one year in office?

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  • 12 August, 2021 |

Japan’s Strategic Choices in Afghanistan

Research Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Dr. Jagannath Panda's article ‘Japan's Strategic Choices in Afghanistan’ has been published in ‘Asia's Next Page’, a column in Japan Forward on July 26, 2021.

The article argues that in hopes of a stable environment, Tokyo will also continue to support peace dialogues between the Afghan government and the Taliban, with the aim of promoting a peace agreement by and for the Afghan people. Simultaneously, Tokyo will want to sustain and nurture channels of communication with both factions so as to ensure it can have a say in the country’s future alongside major players.

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  • 26 July, 2021 |