Gunjan Singh


The Military Media and its Relevance for China

The role of the media in China has been one where it is expected to be the ‘mouthpiece’ of the party. Media outlets have been used by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as propaganda wings and are expected to inform the people about the CCP’s policies and actions. In addition, the introduction of the Internet has transformed the media landscape. There has been a steady increase in the number of Internet users and blogs in China.

Investigative Journalism in China: Journalism, Power and Society by Jingrong Tong

There have been a number of transformations within China since the opening of the Chinese economy in 1978. The changes are not confined to economy only but have had effects on other aspects as well. One of the major areas witnessing unprecedented changes is the state–society dynamic. The media has played an important role in managing the state–society relations in China. The Chinese media has traditionally played the role of the ‘mouth piece’ of the party, as is expected in any authoritarian communist system.