Ashok K. Behuria


Dr. Ashok K.Behuria is a Fellow and Coordinator of the South Asia Centre at MP-IDSA. He is a Ph.D in International Relations from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. He has worked on “India-Pakistan Relationship During the Eighties” for his Ph.D. He joined IDSA in 2003 and before that he worked as Assistant Director at the International Centre for Peace Studies, New Delhi. Dr.Behuria has also been Editor of International Studies, the prestigious research journal from Jawaharlal Nehru University, and has been in the Editorial Boards of Journal of Peace Studies and Strategic Analysis, the flagship journal from IDSA. He has taught at the University of Delhi and JamiaMilliaIslamia, New Delhi. He is a close observer of developments in South Asia and has been awarded the prestigious K Subrahmanyam Award for excellence in strategic studies for his work on Pakistan in 2009. He has published many research articles on strategic issues related to Pakistan, India-Pakistan relations, Sri Lanka, Nepal and South Asian security environment in Indian and foreign journals. He has edited several books on South Asia and continues with his research on internal politics in Pakistan, evolving strategic scenario in the Pak-Af region, radicalisation of religious discourse in the region, India’s engagement with the neighbourhood, regional security, and inter-state cooperation.

Senior Fellow


Monday Morning Meeting on South Asia Conference Organised

In the Monday Morning Meeting organised on 11 December 2023, Associate Fellow and the Conference Coordinator, Dr Anand Kumar briefed MP-IDSA scholars about the upcoming South Asia Conference on 14-15 December. The meeting was chaired by Senior Fellow Dr Ashok K. Behuria. Valuable suggestions were offered by Director General, Amb Sujan R. Chinoy.

  • 11 April, 2023 |

Developments in Pakistan: The More Things Change…

As the civilian political space shrinks and the capacity of the state gets hobbled by political dissension and internal resistance from forces armed with an alternate blueprint for action, Pakistan is likely to rely more on its anti-India stance to build national unity, seeking especially to suck in the militant religious groups into its orbit.

Did Pakistan Learn from its Bangladesh Experience?

This article seeks to re-analyse the pattern of Pakistani response to the demands from East Bengal as a federating unit with distinct linguistic
and regional identity, which led to eventual vivisection of Pakistan, and examine whether in the post-1971 years Pakistan learnt any lesson from
its Bangladesh experience and used it to deal with similar assertions at ethnic and regional levels.

The Politicization of Islam in Pakistan

Senior Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Dr. Ashok K. Behuria’s article ‘The politicization of Islam in Pakistan’ has been published in the 2019-20 edition of the Pakistan Study Forum, brought out by College of Defence Management, Secunderabad. The inability of the elite to define Pakistani state in non-religious geo-cultural terms has allowed Islam to endure as the most important marker of the Pakistani identity, writes Dr. Behuria. Read Complete Article [+]

  • 15 June, 2021 |

Pandemic-induced Regional Consensus can infuse new energy into SAARC

Senior Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Dr. Ashok Behuria’s commentary ‘Pandemic-induced Regional Consensus can infuse new energy into SAARC’ has been published by the All India Radio (AIR) World Service, an external services division of AIR, on February 20, 2021.

India’s enthusiastic advocacy of regional cooperation and integration should be taken into account by leadership in neighbouring states and the SAARC should be made to realise its true potential, writes Dr. Behuria.

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  • 20 February, 2021 |

Pakistan: Between PDM’s Progress And Imran’s Rants

Senior Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Dr. Ashok Behuria’s article ‘Pakistan: Between PDM’s Progress And Imran’s Rants’ has been published by the All India Radio (AIR) World Service, an external services division of AIR, on December 12, 2020.

The article analyses the future of Pakistan in view of the growing momentum of Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM).

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  • 12 December, 2020 |