Arpita Anant

She worked at Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses from 2007 to 2022 .


United Nations Security Council Reform: Perspectives and Prospects

Over the years, the world has changed in fundamental ways. We are witnessing a resurgence of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Growth and development have not only made the countries more interdependent, but new and increasingly complex challenges have also arisen. For multilateralism to remain relevant and effective in today's world, multilateral institutions must adapt and reform to reflect contemporary geo-political realities. It is in this context that the expansion of the UN Security Council is of significance.

Development and India’s Economic Multilateralism: Where from? … Where To?

The Financing for Development (FFD) process and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) process are some of the recent events in the realm of economic multilateralism in the United Nations (UN). India, on its part, has always engaged with the UN and global multilateral processes. This study seeks to focus on India’s diplomacy on FFD and SDGs in the context of its long history of engaging with global economic governance through the UN.

Non-State Armed Groups in South Asia

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press

This book is a comprehensive survey of a large number of non-state armed groups in South Asia. It will be useful for further research on non-state armed violence, including- but not limited to-testing the validity of these generalisations, providing a comparative perspective on select groups and studying more cases to enrich the generalisations.

  • ISBN 978-81-8274-575-9 ,
  • Price: ?. 995/-

A ‘Regional’ Intervention in the Debate on India’s Strategic Culture: Maratha Statecraft in Agyapatra

Existing scholarship on India’s strategic culture pronounces on it either based almost entirely on India’s post-independence strategic behaviour with some references to the pre-independence period or on select historical experiences and texts. For a large part of its history, however, the Indian sub-continent has been under ‘regional’ rulers, ranging from small to very large kingdoms. There are traditions that emanate from them that are as much part of the Indian strategic culture as the pan-Indian phenomena.

Scope for India-Africa Cooperation in Countering Terrorism

Both AU and the UN have identified clear areas where the capacities for counter-terrorism in Africa have been found wanting. India is in a position to share and build capacities in areas of its competence and comfort. Such help would be along the lines of the Indian policy of building state capacities. Having grappled with terrorism in a democratic set-up, India is also in a position to share its experience of making law enforcement systems respect the fundamental rights of human beings.

Significance of SDGs and India’s Evolving Global Role

India has demonstrated a bold commitment to multilateralism. On all three parameters – ideational, diplomatic and institutional – India’s role is a continuation of a long lineage. As for the implementation of SDGs, India is trying to ensure that its impressive growth trickles down to the last man standing through proactive state interventions.