Himanshu Singh asked: What is the Arms Trade Treaty, its current status and long-term implications? Why did India refuse to sign it?

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Reply: Kindly refer to the following publications on IDSA website: Nupur Brahma, “The Arms Trade Treaty”, Backgrounder, July 17, 2012, at http://idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/backgrounder/TheArmsTradeTreaty_170712 Gurmeet Kanwal, “India abstains and exposes the Arms Trade Treaty”, April 8, 2013, at http://idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/idsacomments/IndiaabstainsandexposestheArmsTradeTreaty_gkanwal_080413 Prashant Dikshit, “The Inadequacies of the UN Arms Register”, August 24, 2012, at http://idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/idsacomments/TheInadequaciesoftheUNArmsRegister_pdikshit_240812 Ravinder Pal Singh, “An Ideal Arms Trade Treaty from India’s Perspective, IDSA Policy Brief, July 27, 2012, at http://idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/policybrief/AnIdealArmsTradeTreatyfromIndiasPerspective Rajiv Nayan, “Politics of Arms Trade Treaty Negotiations, IDSA Policy Brief, July 27, 2012, at http://idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/policybrief/PoliticsofArmsTradeTreatyNegotiations Rajiv Nayan, “The Arms Trade Treaty and India”, July 2, 2012, at http://idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/idsacomments/TheArmsTradeTreatyandIndia_rnayan_020712 Prashant Dikshit, “Addressing Indian Dilemmas on the Arms Trade Treaty”, May 15, 2012, at http://idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/idsacomments/AddressingIndianDilemmasontheArmsTradeTreaty_PrashantDikshit_150512

Year: 01-01-1970

Topics: Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)