replies: The UNMOGIP was established after the cessation of hostilities in 1949. It was mandated to monitor the ceasefire between India and Pakistan. However, the mission lost its relevance after the 1972 Shimla Agreement, wherein both India and Pakistan agreed to resolve their differences bilaterally. Pakistan has since gone back on this Agreement and has time and again referred to the UN resolution of 1948 and 1949. It has also attempted to internationalise the Kashmir issue at every possible bilateral and multilateral forum. Pakistan’s reference to UNMOGIP, therefore, should be seen in this context. The recent incidents on the LoC are related to Pakistan’s strategy to push in terrorists to create disturbance inside J&K. Its actions on the LoC are a direct attempt at inciting violence, despite no instance of provocation from IndiA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumar Therefore, India reserves the right to take suitable military measures to ensure both the territorial integrity of the country and safety of its people. This reality is well recognised internationally and Pakistan is clearly seen as the perpetrator of terrorism. In this context, India’s handling of the issue has led to its recognition as a mature power vis-à-vis Pakistan, which is seen as the jehadi factory not only against India but all liberal societies in the world.
Year: 01-01-1970
Topics: Line Of Control (LOC), Pakistan