Araab Sen asked: How many infrastructure projects in Myanmar are financed or built by China? What is the level of Chinese investments in Myanmar?

Udai Bhanu Singh

replies: As the Kachins launched their protest against the Chinese-led development of Myitsone dam, the Chinese experts themselves wondered if it was “a sane investment?” They raised doubts about the sagacity of making huge investments in Myanmar without giving thought to environmental concerns or popular sentimentS. Kalyanaraman China, of course, made huge investments in the post-1988 period till recently when the West abandoned its self-abnegating policy of non-engagement and sanctions and as Myanmar itself initiated the process of political and economic transition (which included further liberalisation of its investment regime). For details, please refer to the chapter on Myanmar co-authored by me in Rumel Dahiya and Ashok K. Behuria (edS. Kalyanaraman), India’s Neighbourhood: Challenges in the Next Two Decades, Pentagon Security International (New Delhi, 2012).

Year: 01-01-1970

Topics: China-Myanmar Relations