The participation of the PLA Navy in escort missions in foreign waters is a radical departure from the historical point of view because this is the first time that the PLA Navy is carrying out such tasks not in national waters.
January 06, 2010
Read MoreThe point of significance is that even as the Army prepares for the worst case, it would be a political-diplomatic-strategic exercise to ensure that such a scenario does not arise.
January 06, 2010
Read MoreTo assuage fears, Japan might see merit to take India on board in the form of a naval cooperation framework to secure peace at sea. Developments in the past 4-5 years in India-Japan relations point towards that direction.
January 05, 2010
Read MoreGiven the divergence of views in the industrialized and industrializing countries as was demonstrated at Copenhagen, it is too early to expect any comprehensive result from the Copenhagen Accord. One needs to wait till June 2010 if the UN meeting at Bonn will yield a different outcome.
January 05, 2010
Read MoreThe Copenhagen Accord is weak and a step back from the Bali Action Plan which talked about four pillars of negotiations – mitigation, adaptation, financial support and technology transfer.
January 04, 2010
Read MoreThe Internet’s blurred boundaries and its existing vulnerabilities have led to unhealthy trends, which, if not addressed adequately, could pose severe problems.
December 31, 2009
Read MoreVietnam’s third national defence white paper shows its commitment to greater transparency in defence modernization and strategic planning.
December 31, 2009
Read MoreIt would appear that for the moment at least the TINA factor operates in favour of the Zardari/Gilani combine especially if they continue to occupy their offices without wielding any real power.
December 30, 2009
Read MoreCommanders and troops must understand that they are operating in a No Win situation and their overall aim will always remain achievement of a more perfect peace.
December 29, 2009
Read MoreAfter Yukio Hatoyama assumed the office of Prime Minister, Japan’s foreign policy has begun to look different with an element of assertiveness and a greater focus towards Asia.
December 24, 2009
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