Political change in Myanmar is palpable and a sensitive and proactive approach is required to prevent the initiative slipping from India’s hands.
June 01, 2012
Read MoreNepal’s Constituent Assembly did have some positive achievements, the most important among these being the integration of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of the UCPN-M, although it failed to fulfil its other main task of finalising a constitution.
June 01, 2012
Read MoreRepeated acts of targeting infrastructure speak of Maoist intentions: paralyse normal life, sabotage economic activity, dictate terms and allow life and economic activity only on their “terms and conditions.”
May 31, 2012
Read MoreWhile expanding the SCO mandate and reviewing the membership criteria are some of the issues that make the Beijing summit a vital one, contentious global issues like Iran also lend the summit greater importance.
May 29, 2012
Read MoreA modus vivendi that accepts the concept of federalism in principle as well as the devolution of administrative and financial powers in key functional areas is the need of the hour.
May 29, 2012
Read MoreThe Chinese decision to send warships to the Scarborough shoals was intended to send a message not only to the Philippines but also to the United States as well as other Asian countries in dispute with China over the South China Sea.
May 28, 2012
Read MoreThe resolution was responsible for sparking off debates in the UN General Assembly and the Security Council which, in turn, has led to the emergence of viable alternatives to military intervention or the use of force.
May 23, 2012
Read MoreThe absence of a credible secular substitute for Assad, a divided opposition, and deadlock in the Security Council, are all acting as stumbling blocks for the US wish to unseat Assad from power.
May 23, 2012
Read MoreThe current growth trajectory is leading to serious environmental and cultural degradation—an issue that needs to be placed on priority and a holistic environmental impact assessment needs to be made public.
May 22, 2012
Read MoreIn times of back door diplomacy and brokerage of deals, Karzai’s political skill and experience in balancing the divergent interests of various stakeholders may assure him a role in fashioning Afghanistan’s new political arrangement.
May 22, 2012
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