Although PNEs were surrounded by ambiguity of intent from the very onset, retroactive measures after May 1974 have ensured that an underground nuclear test could be ‘peaceful’ only when conducted by or with the assistance of the superpowers.
February 20, 2013
Read MoreThe government should instead aim to create a single Security Group consisting of a training establishment specializing in security issues and a number of units to meet different areas of security as per the requirement.
February 18, 2013
Read MoreThe Prachanda faction has made an ideological shift from being a revolutionary outfit to a parliamentary party with emphasis on republicanism, and has signalled its friendly posture towards India by discarding the previously ritualistic reference to India as an enemy.
February 18, 2013
Read MoreThe state governments may consider projecting their claims before the FFC for a Central devolution to fund their SRE expenditure, and the FFC should respond favourably and institutionalise this process.
February 18, 2013
Read MoreBoth think tanks and universities need to attempt to study traditional knowledge (much of which lies in religious text of many traditions). Rich methodological traditions exist in ancient literature and they need wider study.
February 12, 2013
Read MoreDespite nearly a hundred persons having immolated themselves over the last few years, these events have passed by without much notice, let alone reaction.
February 12, 2013
Read MoreThe verdict against Abdul Quadir Molla by the War Crime Tribunal 2, which sentenced him to life, came as a surprise to many given the graveness of his crime.
February 12, 2013
Read MoreAs India celebrates a century of its cinematic culture, there is a need to elevate its quality and role to complement India’s power profile and socio-cultural aspirations.
February 12, 2013
Read MoreIndia’s power in the next round of politics among nations will stem not simply from the latest purchase of military goods, but also from the manner in which it has amassed them.
February 11, 2013
Read MoreThe prospects of allocation for the next year being less than the allocation for the current year are remote because of the immense implications it would entail, although it is likely that the growth in the budgetary allocation for the next fiscal may be less than what has been the case in the past.
February 11, 2013
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