Comments & Briefs

India’s Revised Defence FDI Policy

Under the earlier policy, the foreign portfolio investment in Indian defence industry was either banned, or capped at an arbitrary level for certain companies, causing a lot of dissatisfaction among several listed Indian companies which had pleaded their genuine helplessness in controlling such investments given their nature of flow.

September 01, 2014

  • Laxman Kumar Behera
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    An enigma called defence technology fund

    There has been much speculation since 2011 about who is going to manage the proposed fund, how is it to be different from the already existing technology related heads in the defence budget, and how will the amount set aside for the purpose be utilized.

    August 27, 2014

  • Amit Cowshish
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    National Security Decision Making: Overhaul Needed

    A sub-committee of the CCS must devote time and effort to make substantive recommendations to improve the structures for higher defence management, defence research and development, self-reliance in defence production and the improvement of civil-military relations.

    August 26, 2014

  • Gurmeet Kanwal
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    Ukraine: where is it going?

    It is possible, if there is political will, to find a negotiated settlement on the basis of a new constitution giving greater say to regions in foreign policy. In brief, the US should agree to a sort of Finlandization of Ukraine.

    August 25, 2014

  • K. P. Fabian
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    Failed India-Pakistan dialogue: Reworking policies

    In the short-term India needs to let the internal situation within Pakistan play itself out and see what emerges from the standoff. There is no doubt that Pakistan will have to be engaged but terms and manner will be dictated by the prevailing political and economic scenario in India, Afghanistan and the region including India-China relations.

    August 22, 2014

  • Arun Sahgal
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    Border tension between Bangladesh and Myanmar

    There are logical reasons for India to suitably intercede with both its neighours to facilitate an agreement on the border. A mediatory role by India may not be unwelcome by Bangladesh and Myanmar as both have friendly relations.

    August 22, 2014

  • Gautam Sen
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    Examining the Assam-Nagaland Border Crisis

    These repeated incidents of border trouble and deaths bring into sharp focus the lack of serious border law enforcement. It is, therefore, critical that we do four important policy interventions fast.

    August 21, 2014

  • Namrata Goswami
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    1st US-Africa Leaders Summit: A New Chapter in the US-Africa Relations

    The summit is seen as one of the major initiatives of the Obama administration towards the African continent and being the first US President to hold the largest event with the African head of states and governments.

    August 20, 2014

  • Aakriti Sethi
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    Delimitation of Indo-Bangladesh Maritime Boundary

    In a recent judgment, the UN Tribunal has delineated the maritime boundary line between India and Bangladesh in the territorial sea, Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and continental shelf within and beyond 200 nautical miles (nm). Both the countries are pleased and hope to consolidate further their relationship.

    August 19, 2014

  • Rupak Bhattacharjee
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    Pakistan: Under the Shadow of the Military Jackboot

    The military has ridden roughshod over Pakistan’s polity for most of the country’s history since its independence. The Pakistani army, once described as a ‘state within a state’, is now being viewed by many as the state. In fact, the army and the ISI (the Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate) together form the ‘deep state’.

    August 19, 2014

  • Gurmeet Kanwal
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