The Centre focuses on issues related to strategic technologies that have a potential impact on national security. Its main focus is on critical technologies and space technologies. The Centre is engaged in tracking and trend analysis of issues related to Space Security and Cyber Security. The other mandate of the Centre is to undertake research on Biological and Chemical Weapons with a focus on studying the dangers of proliferation and terrorism. The Centre is responsible for the publication of the CBW Magazine – a bi-annual magazine which covers a wide range of issues related to Chemical and Biological Weapons.
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Even after five decades of its entry-into-force, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) is largely seen as a Cold War era instrument that has failed to fulfill the objective of creating a pathway towards a credible disarmament process.
While maintaining cyber hygiene in these disruptive times is indeed a challenge, each organisation should work towards putting in place a tailor-made work-from-home cyber defence strategy.
TikTok has hooked youngsters around the world. What is worrisome is the lack of understanding about the long-term implications of such social media apps with regard to data protection and national security.
The existing approach to cyber security is heavily tilted towards practising deterrence by denial, essentially by building defences. However, the concept of deterrence needs further tweaking to make it workable in cyberspace.
Nuclear doctrines and postures are dynamic processes that evolve with the security environment. Twenty years after India’s nuclear doctrine was first drafted, the time is ripe for a comprehensive review and suitable revisions.
Facebook's recent proposal for a stable global cryptocurrency on social media platform has led many to anticipate its positive impact on the global economic system. However, privacy concerns and Libra's planned decentralised approach have raised apprehensions among the regulators around the world.
The WhatsApp bug brings to light the same old dilemma between safeguarding individual privacy and enabling the state to undertake surveillance in the interest of security.
In this era of complex interdependence, sudden disruptions in supply chains will not only hurt Chinese businesses in the US and elsewhere, but also damage the US economy as well as its reputation as a business destination.
By implementing the Protection from Online Falsehood and Manipulation Act (POFMA) 2019, Singapore is demonstrating resolve to fight the growing spread of false news and misinformation campaigns.
A cyber exercise – whether CyberEx or its successor – needs to be developed as a platform for practitioners and thinkers to test conceptual and technical skills under near-real-world whole-of-nation scenarios of cyber contingencies.