North America & Strategic Technologies

About Centre

The Centre focuses on issues related to strategic technologies that have a potential impact on national security. Its main focus is on critical technologies and space technologies. The Centre is engaged in tracking and trend analysis of issues related to Space Security and Cyber Security. The other mandate of the Centre is to undertake research on Biological and Chemical Weapons with a focus on studying the dangers of proliferation and terrorism. The Centre is responsible for the publication of the CBW Magazine – a bi-annual magazine which covers a wide range of issues related to Chemical and Biological Weapons.


Rajiv Kumar Narang Senior Fellow
Cherian Samuel Research Fellow (SS)
Rohit Kumar Sharma Research Analyst
Meghna Pradhan Research Assistant - (LAWS Project)
Khyati Singh Research Analyst

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A Cyber Wing in the National Cadet Corps

India’s vulnerability to cyber-attacks is going to increase exponentially with the development of infrastructure and programmes such as Digital India, National Optical Fibre Network, e-Governance, e-commerce and e-Services. The NCC provides a ready resource for picking up India’s cyber warriors in the available time frame.