Abhineet Singh asked: Should India adopt a more aggressive posture towards China?

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Reply: Kindly refer to the following recent & other publications on our website: V. Mahalingam, “Daulat Beg Oldie Standoff: An Assessment”, IDSA Issue Brief, May 22, 2013, at http://www.idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/issuebrief/DaulatBegOldiestandoff_vmahalingam_220513 R. S. Kalyanaraman Kalha, “The Chinese Message and What Should the Reply Be?”, May 21, 2013, at http://www.idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/idsacomments/TheChineseMessageIndiareply_rskalha_210513 Kasturi Moitra, “What India needs to learn from China”, May 20, 2013, at http://www.idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/idsacomments/WhatIndianeedstolearnfromChina_kmoitra_200513 Mukul Sanwal, “India and China: Strategic partners in global governance reform”, May 16, 2013, at http://www.idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/idsacomments/IndiaandChinaStrategicpartners_msanwal_160513 Mandip Singh, “Lure your enemy onto the roof, then take away the ladder”, May 13, 2013, at http://www.idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/idsacomments/Lureyourenemyontotheroofthentakeawaytheladder_msingh_150513 Arvind Gupta, “Chinese lessons in diplomacy”, May 12, 2013, at http://www.idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/idsacomments/Chineselessonsindiplomacy_agupta_120513 Mandip Singh, “Lessons from Somdurong Chu Incident”, April 26, 2013, at http://www.idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/idsacomments/CurrentChineseincursionLessonsfromSomdurongChuIncident_msingh_260413 Arvind Gupta, “China’s Defence White Paper 2013: Lessons for India”, April 25, 2013, at http://www.idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/idsacomments/ChinasDefenceWhitePaper2013LessonsforIndia_agupta_250413 Mandip Singh, “Critical Assessment of China’s Vulnerabilities in Tibet”, IDSA Occasional Paper No. 30, 2013, at http://www.idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/occasionalpapers/CriticalAssessmentofChinasVulnerabilitiesinTibet R. N. Das, “India-China Relations: A New Paradigm”, IDSA Monograph Series No. 19, 2013, at http://www.idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/monograph/IndiaChinaRelations_rndas Mandip Singh, “Increasing Chinese Footprint in India’s North West: What should India do?”, October 21, 2011, at http://www.idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/idsacomment/IncreasingChineseFootprintinIndiasNorthWest_msingh_211011 Arvind Gupta, “China’s Changing Worldview”, August 4, 2009, at http://www.idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/strategiccomments/ChinasChangingWorldview_AGupta_040809

Year: 01-01-1970

Topics: India-China Relations