Protesters demand democratic reforms
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    According to reports, more than 3,000 Kuwaitis have protested in front of the parliament on September 10, 2012 demanding the election of a prime minister from outside the ruling al-Sabah family. The protest was also against a government move to amend the electoral law and was attended by 21 lawmakers from the opposition-majority parliament which was elected in February before being dissolved months later. A former MP Khaled Shakheer said, "Our problem is with the members of the family who must be kept away from ministerial positions. There must be a law that organises the work of the ruling family." The protest was called by Nahj an umbrella group of Islamist and independent opposition and youth activists who have called for activating the constitutional monarchy concept in Kuwait. A prominent Islamist MP Walid al-Tabtabaie also stated that, the al-Sabah family can "be the emirs but the ministers will be from among us." 1
