Europe and Eurasia: Publications

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  • Mapping the Recent Russian Protests

    At a time of heightened nationalism over the Ukrainian confrontation, these events cast doubts about the narrative of a stable political system.

    April 21, 2017

    The Uncertain Overhang on Scotland of the Brexit Process

    In the face of Brexit, the continued union of UK and Scotland hinges on arriving at a suitable political accommodation between the UK and the broad spectrum of the Scottish polity and the public.

    April 03, 2017

    Democratization Process in Kazakhstan Unfolds

    Despite the opacity of Central Asian politics, the course of political change in the region is likely to be smooth, which is also essential for peace and stability within and outside Central Asia.

    April 03, 2017

    To deal with China, India needs to return to strategic fundamentals

    It is time to engage in a dialogue process not just for enhancing strategic trust but also to think more cunningly about how to benefit from China’s riches by gaining access to Chinese credit and technology, and securing markets for Indian products.

    March 21, 2017

    Prospects of US–German Relations under Trump

    In respect of trade and commerce, some uncertainties are looming over both US-German relations and US-EU relations.

    March 15, 2017

    Russia’s Policy Shift towards Taliban and Pakistan

    Russia’s efforts to differentiate between the Islamic State and Taliban are a mistake given that both groups share a similar ideology, albeit with slight variations.

    March 01, 2017

    Revival of the Russian Military: An Assessment

    Russian Military

    Russia’s military intervention in Syria – its first beyond its immediate neighbourhood since the end of the Cold War – highlights the significant transformation that its armed forces have gone through.

    August 31, 2016

    Are Russia and NATO inching towards a conflict?

    The Joint Communique issued by the recent NATO summit, held on July 8-9 in Warsaw, appears to have sown the seeds of a renewed confrontation with Russia.

    August 08, 2016

    Wither CARICOM? – Prospects Post-Brexit

    Wither CARICOM? – Prospects Post-Brexit

    “Brexit” has led to much concern within the Caribbean Community, as it assesses its possible impact upon its plans for greater regional integration. One cannot completely rule out the possibility of some of the member-states of CARICOM going the British way.

    July 11, 2016

    BREXIT: Complications, Repercussions, and Implications

    BREXIT: Complications, Repercussions, and Implications

    Just as Pandora opened the box she was warned not to open, Cameron went for a referendum that common sense would have told him not to go for, or to do it later

    July 01, 2016

